Farragut Biz Mixer – Invitation!
To All Farragut Business Leaders & Staff! You are cordially invited to the Farragut Biz Mixer!
Join Farragut Business Owners, Managers and employees in an exciting and informative networking opportunity on Tuesday July 16th, between 4 and 6pm at HURRICANE CYCLES in the WEST END Shopping Center. This special Summer Mixer is co-hosted by long-time SHOP FARRAGUT supporter, TDS Telecom. You will be fete with snacks and beverages provided by EUPHORIC CHEESE and other Farragut businesses. Additionally, we will take a few minutes of this wonderful get-together to hear updates from TDS & HURRICANE and learn about THE GREAT FARRAGUT SIDEWALK SALE and DOG DAZE #8 being arranged by SHOP FARRAGUT for the TOWN of FARRAGUT. This BIZ MIXER is FREE to all representatives of our Farragut Business Community!
PLEASE RSVP – steve@shopfarragut.com with the number in your party.
We would love to have an accurate count for food & beverage. See you soon!